- Our Crew Carwash Facebook post on your pages.
- Direct your friends and family to this page to scan the QR code below or
to click on this link: Crew Carwash Fundraiser
- Print flyers and pass them out.
Crew Flyer Full Sheet
Crew Flyer Half Sheet
- Your friends and family purchase Crew carwashes online.
- They place your name as the sales person, so you will receive credit for the sale.
- Your customer will receive an email with a link to their Crew carwashes purchased.
- There are no expiration dates for the purchased carwashes.
- They can be purchased and then gift the link to friends or family.
- At the end of the fundraiser the club will receive 50% of the proceeds.
- The club and the player share the proceeds 50/50.
- The player's share will be up to the amount of their registration and uniform fees.
Any proceeds over this will remain with the club.